Call 07944 748595
Cancellation Policy
Both Tranquility Living Ltd. and you may cancel the booking at any time up to 7 days prior to the first day of your booking with Tranquility Living Ltd. in which case a full refund will be made to you.
If you cancel the booking within 7 days of the arrival date of your booking then Tranquility Living Ltd. reserves the right to retain the full amount paid. Any refund will be at Tranquility Living Ltd.’s entire discretion unless it is able to book out the accommodation to other guests, in which case it shall make a refund to you of your booking cost, less any difference in price where the replacement booking was of a lesser value.
Tranquility Living Ltd. reserves the right to cancel bookings within 7 days of the first day of the reservation where it is necessary due to reasons outside of Tranquility Living Ltd.’s reasonable control or in the event of an overbooking due to delays or errors within the booking system. In the event of such cancellation the client will receive a full refund.
For our full policy please see our Terms and Conditions by clicking here